Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Not that it matters, but I'll be away till Saturday night in a faraway place called Kuantan, a million miles away from civilisation. Soooooooo, not updates any time soon, not that I update regularly. Heh.
And seriously, I can't sketch to save my life especially anything that has to do with the human anatomy and I hope the bus doesn't crash or whatnot.
Bye. I love my family and friends and I hope God rests my soul. Please attend my funeral and enjoy the damned peanuts.
What was that for? Just in case.
4:45 pm
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
The Chronicles Of Joleen The Weird
Here's a little conversation we had on MSN the other day.
Jo: ooooooooop. That's to stress it's really out of point.
[We shortened 'out of point' to 'oop']
Jo: Like many "outs".
Me: Riiiiight. Okay. You're bored.
Jo: Yeah. OH MY GOD YOU CAN ACTUALLY TELL!!?!?!? Damn I suck at pretending I'm not >: ( Okay I AM bored.
Me: Okay, that was strange.
Jo: It's not strange, Joleen is just bored. Did you manage to get anything from the bookfair?
Me: Nope, the stuff were frigging expensive. Those that I wanted anyway.
Jo: I thought it was supposed to be cheap cos it's a book fair! So maybe they should organise a book unfair, then it'll be cheap. Okay, sorry, bored.
Me: WTH!?! That goes into my blog. Like, totally.
Jo: YOU SEE! It's you you you! You make me say weird things.
Me: NOOOOOOOOO! That's just cause you're weird!
Jo: You trigger my innermost-weird-self, so it's still you.
Me: ... That's weird and that's coming from you so I insist that you're weird in a stand alone way.
Jo: ... ... You gave me 3 dots, I give you back 6.
Me: Now THAT'S weird. Only from a weird mind.
Jo: Sherwin, I'm not weird, just BORED. All hail boredom! *bows kowtows bows kowtows* oop
Me: YES! oop.
Jo: Actually I think it's more of ooop cos I think it's more than just oop so it's like, ooop. Yeah. Okay shut up Joleen.
Me: Yes. LOL!
Jo: I bet your "yes" was a reply to the "ooop", not the "shut up Joleen" part.
I'm so right. :D
Me: Okay, how much you want to bet, cause I'd win. HOHO!
Jo: Erm... We'll bet with dots?
Me: LOL! Okay.
Jo: If I lose, I'll give you a whole convo filled with dots.
Me: I bet 10 dots. Okay, you lose.
Jo: Haiyah, I'll give it to you anyway.
[1600 dots to be exact.]
[exact number of dots she gave]
Me: LOL. Yeah.
Jo: Okie dokes :D
Me: You're slightly crazy. No, scrap that, totally crazy.
Jo: Erm, weird and crazy are not synonyms of bored you know. Is synonyms the right word? Okay I think it is.
Me: They're not, but they're related.
Jo: ... TEEE HEEE HEEEEEE. Okay, whatever. I'm going to have dinner. It's 8pm SCREAMSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Ttyl (:
Me: Okeydokes. Don't choke.
Jo: Won't. Say, "Don't fall asleep."
Me: Okay. Don't fall asleep or watch Species or AnimalPlanet or whatnot. Ttyl =)
[Convo kept exactly to original save puncutations and whatnot. Put them together to make reading easier. How nice of me.]
And today, we had PastaMania for dinner and I wanted peanut ice-cream.
Me: Peanut ice-cream?
Jo: NOOOO! You want me to do a Merlion is it?
Me: What? Shoot lasers out of your eyes?
Okay. We're so WTH-ish.
I want the AgnesB. tote. Hint.
And salsa really rocks. The dip, not the dance. I'm snacking during ungodly hours and I'm fat. Someone shoot me. NOW.
12:38 am
Friday, June 01, 2007
It was a flop, as floppy as DolnaldTrumps hair.
Jo told me that YongKang told her that they sold 500+ tickets. Of the 500+, say, less than a 1/5 of them turned up. Chances are, the rest probably decided to collectively lose their tickets and not turn up for the event. Either that or they all got lost in the maze that is FortCanning while attempting to get there. Hey, it isn't funny. For all you know, they could still be roaming FortCanning trying to get there. They could roam FOREVER! LOST, WAILING PEOPLE THAT WOULD DIE LOST AND BECOME LOST, WAILING SOULS DOOMED TO ROAM FORTCANNING FOR ETERNITY!
Okay. They probably had something else on and decided that Konvicted wasn't their top piority.
In any case, I got to know new people so I suppose the money spent on the ticket wasn't in vain. It also opened my eyes to a lot of things, of which would likely become cannon fodder for the CannonOfGossip. I can only say the the education system in friggin sunny island Singapore has failed to such a great extent they should just stop operating. It's saddening for me to say this...
Anyhow, pictures that don't really speak, much less a thousand words, from Konvicted.

Me and Jo.

Lina and I. And that's grape juice she's holding, not Chivas with coke.

Me and Jo. Again.

Lina and I. Again. But with no grape juice.

Me and my BFFs from TP in all our unglam-ness. All of us have similar glasses - black, retangular and what-not. How cool is that? Very.
8:40 pm